The Committee
Chair: James Carter
Secretary: Carolyn Barry
Treasurer: John LeQuesne
Committee Member: Judith Cutler
Committee Member: Rita Howcroft
If you have any comments or feedback then please don't hesitate to contact us. The AGM takes place towards the end of each year where you can also make comment. If you are interested in helping out at any of the Tournaments we hold please contact James Carter.
Chair: James Carter
Secretary: Carolyn Barry
Treasurer: John LeQuesne
Committee Member: Judith Cutler
If you have any comments or feedback then please don't hesitate to contact us. The AGM takes place towards the end of each year where you can also make comment. If you are interested in helping out at any of the Tournaments we hold please contact James Carter.
The Committee
Sarum Mixed League Constitution
The league to be called the Sarum Mixed League.
The spirit of the league is to provide socially competitive doubles tennis for clubs within a approximately 25 mile radius of Salisbury.
There will be an Annual Membership fee to be decided at the Annual General Meeting.
The Officers of the Committee shall be: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Match Secretary and one other Committee Member (total 5) of which no more than two members shall be from one club. Officers shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting. Voting shall be restricted to one vote per Sarum League Club.
In the event of a casual vacancy arising on the Committee between Annual General Meetings the Committee shall be authorised to co-opt a replacement.
Nominations for Committee vacancies must be made: a) in writing to reach the Hon.Secretary at least 7 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting, or b) verbally, on the night of the Annual General Meeting. In the event of there being more nominations than vacancies, each election shall be by ballot at the Annual General Meeting.
Powers Of The Committee
The Committee shall have the power to arrange and organise Leagues, Competitions and Tournaments held under the auspices of the League. They shall decide all questions and disputes arising from League events. The decision of the Committee shall be final.
The financial year of the League shall end on 30th September. A statement of accounts, duly audited, shall be presented by the Treasurer to the following Annual General Meeting.
The Annual General Meeting shall be held between the 1st October and 31st December. Notice of all matters to be voted upon at the Annual General Meeting shall be given to each member club at least 14 days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting.
An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called at any time by the Committee or upon request of any two member clubs. At least fourteen days notice shall be given specifying the purpose of the Extraordinary General Meeting. No other business shall be transacted at this meeting. Voting shall be as set at the Annual General Meeting.
Alterations and/or additions to this Constitution can only be made at an AGM or EGM
In the event of the dissolution of the League all mones and/or assets of the League shall be allocated for the benefit of tennis in the Sarum League area at the discretion of the Committee.